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E & T Consulting is a computer and networking support provider located in Rushville, NE  We are a certified Microsoft small business specialist with decades of experience. 

We cater to small businesses that don't have a full time or on-site technician, as well as any home business or home user. We respond immediately, and in most cases, have your system up and running the same day. 


We offer network installation and repair. Whether you need a network for your home or a complex network for your business. We install and configure a network for your needs.

Support & Installation

We install and configure Servers, PC, laptops or Mac. Hardware and software upgrades, system upgrades, Anti-virus, and client server applications are among the many services we provide.
E & T also can personally monitor servers and backups.

Offsite Backup

E & T Consulting is partnered with Ahsay Backup Software. Our software will encrypt and backup all data to our backup servers located at Chinetworks data center in Chicago.

Remote Suport

Most system administration and technical support can be performed remotly without the need of an on-site technician. We can monitor systems and do many repairs remotly.

Data Recovery

We recover data from system crashes and faulty hard drives, file repairs, corrupted email files, and folders. Clone hard drives and wipe hard drives from systems that are no longer being used are also recoverable. 

PC/Laptop Repair

We handle hardware upgrades and repairs, virus removal, software installation, clone hard drives, as well as transferring data from an old system into a new one. 

Computer Repair
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T: 1-312-371-4634

© 2015 by E & T Consulting

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